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Get Naloxone

to Save Someone from
an Opioid Overdose

Overdose Risks

Mixing drugs, including Fentanyl

Opioid Safe Use

Prevention Tips

Get Naloxone

to Save Someone from
an Opioid Overdose

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Opioid Use Treatment

Overdose Risks

Mixing drugs, including Fentanyl

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For medical emergencies, call 911

For mental health emergencies, call or text 988

For opioid medication treatment, click here

Save a Life

Learn about how to use and store your medication safely; how to dispose of unused opioids; the risks of dependency and mixing multiple drugs, including alcohol; and how to prevent an overdose, and where to get and how to use Narcan.

Who is at Risk?

  • Anyone of any age who uses opioid medications to manage pain, particularly those taking higher doses.
  • Anyone who takes opioids with multiple prescriptions or other sedating substances, including alcohol, anti-anxiety, sleeping aids or muscle relaxants.
  • Household members of people who are in possession of opioids, including prescription opioids.
  • Anyone who uses heroin or injects pain medications.
  • People with reduced tolerance following detox or release from incarceration.
  • Someone who has had a previous non-fatal overdose.
  • Opioid doses greater than 90 mg of morphine per day or 60 mg of oxycodone per day.
  • Obtaining overlapping prescriptions from multiple providers and pharmacies.


  • Use heroin or other opioids safely to avoid an overdose event in the first place – once an overdose has occurred, it’s a medical emergency.
  • Use prescription opioids as prescribed, do not share.
  • Use one drug at a time – if using multiple drugs, use less of everything.
  • Have a rescue buddy that knows where naloxone is and how to use it.
  • Don’t use drugs alone.

Finding Naloxone in New Mexico

  • Statewide pharmacies: Prescriptions are 100% covered for Medicaid clients; co-pays may exist for those with private insurance
  • Doctors’ Offices: Citizens should ask their doctor for a prescription or FREE KIT
  • County Public Health Offices: Citizens should call to see if they carry naloxone and the hours of operation.
  • Harm reduction programs
  • Substance abuse treatment offices 
  • Prescription Drug Overdose (PDO) County Coordinators: Citizens in these counties can inquire about access naloxone through the following:

Learn How to Administer Narcan

If someone overdoses, give them Narcan, call 911 immediately, and provide rescue breathing until they can breathe on their own.

Narcan Pocket Guide Graphic

Anyone can request naloxone from a local pharmacy without a prescription.

In addition to pharmacies, naloxone is available through many county public health offices and private doctors offices, as well as harm reduction programs and substance abuse treatment offices.

In 2019, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham signed into law a bill passed by the New Mexico legislature that would require opioid prescriptions for pain relief of five days or more to come with a second prescription of naloxone that can reverse possible overdose.

Prevention Tips

Prescription opioids are strong pain-reducing medications. Having prescription opioid drugs at home increases the risk for potential misuse or accidental overdose.

Get Narcan

Get Narcan and Always Carry it With You
To get Narcan anywhere in New Mexico, call (505) 270-5943.

Give Narcan

Narcan reverses the deadly effects of an opioid overdose. Many overdoses are witnessed. Learn where to get Narcan and how to give Narcan to save a life.

Stop the Stigma

Anyone can become dependent on drugs and struggle with opioid substance use. Opioid Use Disorder is not a moral failing and we need to remember that we can all change the conversation and decrease the stigma around drug use and opioid substance use. We must reduce the stigma to encourage people to ask for help and recovery.

Polysubstance Use / Fentanyl

Don’t Mix Drugs and Alcohol – Learn About Fentanyl

New Mexicans are unknowingly taking drugs laced with fentanyl and overdosing. Fentanyl is 50 to 100 times stronger than heroin or morphine.

Specific Spanish Resources on Narcan

Aimed at bridging multi-generational gaps within Spanish speaking households, learn about the dangers of opioid misuse, safe use, storage, disposal, reducing stigma and myths with these Spanish materials.

Dreamcatcher icon

Native American Outreach

We Are One. As part of its overall effort to address challenges and barriers to combat substance misuse, the Native American Outreach Program works with New Mexico’s distinct Pueblos, Tribes and Nations to conduct outreach on opioid overdose prevention, treatment, harm reduction and recovery help.

Harm Reduction

Test your supply.
Don’t use alone.
Use slow.
Listen to your body.
Carry Narcan.

Good Samaritan

Act Fast and call 911 to save a life! Most fatal overdoses are witnessed, offering an opportunity for bystanders to call 911. New Mexico’s Good Samaritan Law provides some protection even if drugs are at the scene.  Give Narcan even if you do not know what kind of drugs a person took.

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